Generally speaking, a letter in your own words and mailed to the office of your Representative or Senator might get more attention than a boiler-plate letter suggested by numerous advocacy groups.

Step 1.  What Is The President Doing Already and What Is He Proposing That Congress Do About This Issue?
 Clicking here
will take you to BarakObama.com.  While this is a partisan site, it lists what the President has already done and what he wants Congress to do.  You will see that his is an ambitious agenda. 

Some think that it would be best to concentrate on just a few of the more doable items on his otherwise comprehensive list.   The Washington Post Editorial of January 17, 2013 offers their suggestions for such items.  Which of those items would be on your list?

Step 2.  What Do I Say? 
That's up to you, of course.  The TIPS below will suggest some of the types of content.  But by all means, educate yourself as best you can.  Checking out the websites of some of the advocacy groups listed below is one way.  Check out your own soul as well.  The first will give you data and perspectives; the latter will infuse your writing with heart.  And by all means, check out your own faith group's stated views on the matter.  Such statements are usually well-reasoned, informed by facts, and based on the texts and traditions of your faith group.

Step 3.  Who Do I Write To?  
Don't know your congressional district or the names of your Representative or Senators?  No problem!  Go here:  www.contactingthecongress.org. This website offers an up-to-date, interactive map of the United States.  Just click on your state to find your Representatives and Senators.  The site will give you their contact information. 

TIPS for Writing Your Letter. 
Keep your letter to the point.  Consider saying what it is you are proposing; advance some reasons why you think it's a good idea; empathize with the difficult political position your recipient may be in; encourage your Representative or Senator to find the political courage to vote for matters that might cost him or her some campaign support in the next election; appeal to the "better angels of his/her spirit" and reference the needs of the people for their safety being a higher good than other worthy, but narrower, concerns.  If you have expertise in this area, say so and consider offering to share it.  If you are of a mind to do so, let your recipient know you are remembering them in prayer and meditation . . . (and keep your promise!)  For further information you can check out
this link to Congress.org, a non-partisan group encouraging civic participation in government.


There are a great many groups advocating for creating a safer society.  Your own faith group may be one of them.  There are also groups of mayors, police, educators and others who are doing so.  You may know of some already, or you may prefer to search for some online.  It's always useful to check them out, as they are usually sources of good information and many of them allow you to sign an advocacy petition or advocate in some other way. 

Here are just a few such groups.

Faiths United Against Gun Violence was formed in 2011 and is a way for more than 40 denominations and religious groups to work together to prevent gun violence.

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence  A large, national group with chapters in 48 states.  Brings together a variety of groups concerned with child welfare, social justice, public health, etc.

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
   Founded after President Ronald Reagan's Press Secretary, Jim Brady, was severely wounded in the asassination attempt on the President's life.

Mayors Against Illegal Guns
  A coalition of over 700 mayors of big cities and small towns across the United States who see the issue in terms of law and order and protecting citizens from gun violence perpetrated by criminals with easy access to firearms.


If you find this page useful and you have your own website, feel free to copy it and put it on your own.  Or let it inspire you to make your own page of practical suggestions.  Bottom line . . . use what you wish . . . no requirement that you give attribution for using this particular page. . . of course it'd also be okay if you do!

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